Navagrah stotram

 Navagrah stotram

Navagrah stotram

 Navagrah stotram

1. I pay homage to the Sun, the bright

shining One, the maker of the day, enemy

of darkness, destroyer of evils, resembling a

Chinese rose, descendent of Kashyapa.


2. I pay homage to the Moon, Soma, who

serves as an ornament on Shiva’s crown,

who was born from the ocean of milk and

whose color is that of curd, conch, or



3. I pay homage to Mangala, the

handsome youth with weapon in hand,

born from mother earth, whose luster

resembles the lightning in the sky.


4. I pay homage to Budha, son of the

Moon, resembling the dark green bud of

the priyangu flower, unrivaled in beauty,

of calm and collected disposition.


5. I pay homage to Brhaspati, the guru of

gods and rishis, who shines with golden

luster, the embodiment of cosmic

intelligence, the guiding light of the three



6. I pay homage to Shukra, descendant of

Bhrigu, the supreme guru of the demons,

the greatest expounder of all shastras,

whose complexion resembles the white

lotus, the jasmine flower, or snow.


7. I pay homage to Shani, the slowmoving,

son of the Sun, born from Chaya

and Martanda, Yama’s elder brother, who is

of dark complexion like the blue eye



8. I pay homage to Rahu, the half-bodied

one, offspring of Simhika, possessing great

strength, the sworn enemy of the Sun and



9. I pay homage to Ketu, one of the

eleven Rudras, chief among planets and

stars, resembling the palasha flower, and of

dreadful appearance.


10. Thus ends the hymn of praise

to the nine planets, born from

Vyasa’s mouth as assembled by

him. For one who chants this hymn,

whether by day or night, all

obstructions will melt away.


11. Whether for men, women, or

kings, it brings them destruction of

evil, unrivaled sovereignty, freedom

from disease, and growth of strength.


12. All afflictions born of the

planets, stars, thieves, or fire will be

removed. Vyasa tells us that there is

no doubt about this.

Read this post in hindi 

Read this The 32 Names of Durga

The 32 Names of Durga

The 32 Names of Durga

The 32 Names of Durga

The 32 Names of Durga

1. The reliever of difficulties

2. Who puts difficulties at peace

3. Dispeller of difficult adversaries

4. Who cuts down difficulties

5. The performer of discipline to expel difficulties

6. The destroyer of difficulties

7. Who holds the whip of difficulties

8. Who sends difficulties to ruin

9. Who measures difficulties

10. Who makes difficulties unconscious

11. Who destroys the world of difficult thoughts

12. The mother of difficulties

13. The perception of difficulties

14. The intrinsic nature of the soul of difficulties

15. Who searches through difficulties

16. The knowledge of difficulties

17. The extrication from difficulties

18. The continues existence of difficulties

19. Whose meditation remains brilliant when in


20. Who deludes difficulties

21. Who resolves difficulties

22. Who is the intrinsic nature of the object of


23. The annihilator of the egotism of difficulties

24. Bearer of the weapon against difficulties

25. The refinery of difficulties

26. Who is beyond difficulties

27. This present difficulty

28. The empress of difficulties

29. Who is terrible to difficulties

30. The lady to difficulties

31. The illuminator of difficulties

32. Who cuts off difficulties

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